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Top 20 Flowers to Beautify Your Terrace Garden

Top 20 Flowers to Beautify Your Terrace Garden

A terrace garden is great for bringing in the outdoors and making your home more beautiful. It's also great to turn an unused space into something useful, like a full-fledged garden. When creating a terrace garden, you have many choices for plants that will help create the ambience you want.

Here are 20 beautiful flowers and plants that can beautify your terrace garden:


This is one of the best option in plants to beautify your terrace garden. It's a hardy evergreen shrub with red, yellow and orange flowers that can be grown in pots and planted in the ground. They need less maintenance than other plants and will give you a beautiful hedge if you choose to use them.

Ixora's are slow growing, but they like being moved around once they get too large for their pot (about 2 feet tall). They also require regular watering, especially during summer months when temperatures become very high (over 40 degrees Celsius). Fertilizing once every two weeks with fertilizers containing potassium or magnesium will help this plant grow faster and stronger.


Ficus Microcarpa

Ficus microcarpa is a fast-growing, easy-to-care-for tree that requires little water and moderate light. Its leaves are small and soft, making them ideal for indoor and outdoor use on borders or on patios. It can be grown indoors under lights or outdoors in full sun but does require some protection from strong winds during summer months when its leaves are most vulnerable to damage from salt spray or rain splashing onto the trunk of your plant.

Its bright green foliage turns orange/red when it's ready to fall off after winter months (or early spring if you're keeping them over summer). This happens naturally because they're not hardy enough to withstand cold temperatures below 25°F, so they will turn brown instead of dying outright.


Croton Petra 

Croton Petra is a flowering plant, so it's best to plant it in full sun. It can also tolerate drought conditions, making it a good choice for dry gardens or terraces.

Croton Petra has broad leaves shaped like fans and small white flowers on top of them. Its purple-pink flowers bloom during summer when temperatures reach 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

The plant is native to Brazil and grows well in tropical climates. It can be grown in both, indoors or outdoors, but the best it while thrive is in full sun with plenty of water. If you're growing it indoors, place the plant near a sunny window where it will get at least six hours of sunlight each day.

croton petra

Arabian Jasmine

The Arabian jasmine is a flowering plant native to India and Sri Lanka. It's also a perennial shrub that can grow up to 5 feet tall when it reaches maturity, so you'll want to keep your garden space in mind when choosing where to plant it.

Middle Eastern cultures have long used the jasmine plant as a decorative item, but modern-day gardeners have also adopted it. This fragrant flower has been featured on everything from shirts and dresses (it's the national flower of Egypt) to perfume bottles and perfume packaging.

arabian jasmine

Marigold plants

Marigold plants are easy to grow and have a long blooming season. They attract butterflies and other pollinators, which is good for attracting beneficial insects in your garden. Marigolds also repel pests such as nematodes, mosquitoes, fungus gnats and aphids. These flowers can be grown in containers or planted directly into the ground once they start flowering, which takes about two weeks.

Marigold flowers are used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent for injuries like sprains or bruises; Chinese medicine uses them for treating high blood pressure by burning off excess fluid from the body's walls; fresh marigold leaves have been shown to treat athlete's foot infections effectively. 



Hyacinth is a bulb plant that can be grown in pots or in the ground. The bulbs are planted in fall and require full sun to partial shade. They grow best when planted about 6 inches apart, and the distance between each hyacinth bulb is approximately 8 inches. The soil should be well-drained and sandy loam with good drainage. 

Add compost before planting, as this will help strengthen your soil's structure and improve its ability to hold moisture during heavy rains or after planting.

Hyacinths prefer full sun exposure, but if they are not getting enough light, they will tend toward brown tips at the base of their foliage stem tips, indicating low growth conditions at that point in time.



Syngonium is a beautiful tropical houseplant that is also known as an arrowhead plant. They can grow in pots or hanging baskets and withstand a wide range of light conditions. Although syngoniums can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, they do need bright indirect sunlight to thrive. Watering the plant frequently is important for maintaining soil moisture.

The most appropriate time to water the plant is when the soil is dry to a depth of one inch; this will help prevent rotting from occurring on top of its foliage at any time during its growth cycle, which will damage it over time if left untreated.  

Always use room temperature water instead of hot tap water because cold temperatures will freeze over time, making it difficult for your plants’ roots system inside their bodies, causing them not to function properly until they warm up again after being shaded out by sun rays during summer months (or vice versa). 


Areca palms

Areca palms are tropical plants that can grow up to 20 feet. Areca palms are easy to care for and make a great addition to any garden. They require some basic maintenance but don’t require much attention once established, so they're perfect for beginners looking to start out with a low-maintenance plant or those who don't have time or space available on their property.

Areca palm plants thrive indoors and outdoors. Keep them away from direct sunlight during the hottest parts of summer (mid-June through August). These beautiful trees are also frosted tolerant, so you won't have any worries about them dying off when temperatures dip below freezing outside. 

However, if you live somewhere that doesn't get very cold at all, then this could still be an issue depending on where exactly your house is located - remember not everything has equal amounts throughout different regions. 

areca palm

Aloe Vera

Aloe veras need a lot of water to thrive, at least 1 inch per week. Use a rain gauge or sprinkler to make sure you're watering enough.

Aloe veras need full sun to photosynthesize properly and produce their leaves. If you live in a shady area, consider planting them in containers so they can get more light. 

The best way to fertilize aloe vera plants is with fish emulsion or compost tea every few weeks until spring.

aloe vera


Bougainvillea is a flowering plant native to the tropical regions of South America. It grows up to 2.5 meters in height, and its flowers come in different colours, including red, pink and yellow.

This fast-growing plant can be planted in any sunny area where you want it to grow, such as your terrace garden.


Chinese Hibiscus Flower

Chinese hibiscus is a flowering plant native to China. It grows as an annual or perennial shrub and can reach up to 3 meters in height. This terrace garden flower is usually red or pink, but white varieties are also available.

The edible fruit of Chinese hibiscus is used in many different dishes, including soups, salads and desserts such as ice cream.

Chinese hibiscus


Balsam is a plant that grows in warm climates. It has a beautiful flower and is a good plant for terrace gardens as it is easy to grow.

Balsam is also called "American balsam", and it belongs to the Rubiaceae family of plants which has many common names like American balsam, wild balm, Indian balm etc.

It grows up to 50 cm tall with small leaves that have lobed edges or entire margins (leaves). The flowers are small white or pinkish-white with waxy petals that form an inverted V shape when open and bloom from June till August.

Impatiens balsamina


Begonia is a popular terrace garden plant, and you may have met it in the flower section of your local supermarket. Begonia is a tropical plant, which means that it needs to be kept warm.

Begonias are flowering plants that often appear as beautiful cascades of bright colours during the daytime hours before turning into seed pods at nightfall. In addition to being beautiful, they provide great nutrition for birds who feed on their seeds and bees who pollinate them with pollen from other flowers nearby, which means less work for us humans.


Orange Bells (Scadoxus puniceus)

Orange bells are one of those terrace garden plants, tropical plants with beautiful orange flowers. These plants are perfect for growing in pots or as an annual and can be grown in any sunny area of your terrace garden.

The orange bell will flower for about 3 months during the summer season, producing up to 50 flowers per bush. The stems are dark green, which gives way to bright yellow blooms that hang down from its branches, gently swaying back and forth with each movement of its leaves. 

When you look at these plants closely, you'll notice that they have long petals that curve upwards towards each other at their tips before opening outwards like an umbrella over their heads when they're in full bloom. This is what makes them so unique among others.

orange bells


Coleus is a popular plant for terrace garden. It is a perennial, tropical and annual flower from the family of Coleaceae. The name of this plant means "spiked plant" in English because of its leaves which are arranged like spikes on top of each other. It has been used as an ornamental plant for centuries in Asia, South America and Africa, where it grows wild.

The plants grow up to 3 feet tall with large leaves that can grow up to 4 inches long at their base, the stalk. The flowers come in shades of white or pink, depending on your choice. They bloom from May till June during summer months, with the flowering season lasting 2-3 weeks, after which they wither off quickly due to lack of rain or too much sun exposure during summer months when temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 Celsius).



Eucalyptus is a plant that grows in tropical and subtropical areas. It has been used as a hedge for many years, but it can also be used to beautify your terrace garden. The tree has an impressive growth rate, making it ideal for people who want to have beautiful gardens with minimal maintenance.

Eucalyptus trees are fast-growing and grow well despite their high water requirements. However, suppose you are looking for an easy-to-care-for option. In that case, this may not be the best choice of plants for you since there will be lots of watering required from time to time during summer months when temperatures rise higher than usual levels outside due to climate change caused by the global warming process happening around us today.



Lavender is a perennial herb with a sweet smell. It grows to about 1-2 feet high, with purple flowers that bloom from June to September.

In addition to being an excellent plant for your terrace garden, it's easy to grow and hard enough that you can place it in any sunny spot on your property. Lavender plants can also be used as ground cover or as trellises around other plants in your garden, and they are just as colourful and beautiful as they grow.



Another popular flower for terrace gardens is Aster. The flowers are produced from early summer through autumn, with fruits maturing from late summer through winter. The leaves are glabrous and pinnately veined. They may be simple or divided into 5-7 leaflets.

Aster species can be found across temperate regions of both hemispheres, though they prefer warm climates with well-drained soils (i.e., sandy or rocky). The flowers vary in colour from white through yellowish orange towards pinkish reds and purples. However, most varieties have attractive cream-coloured petals, which contrast nicely against their dark green foliage.


Canna Lillies

Canna Lilies are tropical flower that grows in the tropics. They are perennial flowers that can grow up to 3 feet tall. Their large, beautiful flowers with long stems make them very popular among gardeners who want to beautify their terrace garden or patio area.

They are easy to grow and can be used as indoor or outdoor plants depending on which type you choose. However, they prefer sunlight, so if you live in an area with lots of shade, this might not be an option for you.

Canna Lilies

Tips and Tricks

Choose The Right Plant

When you're choosing plants for your terrace garden, keep in mind the following:

  • Choose plants that are suitable for your terrace garden. Plants that require more water than others can be difficult to grow on a terrace and cause damage if they don't get enough sunlight or water, which may lead to problems like root rot or fungus growth (especially when it rains heavily).
  • Select the plants that are easy to grow and maintain so they'll last longer without causing any extra work for you. You don't want anything too hard-working or demanding.


Fertilizer is an important part of maintaining your plants. Fertilizer is designed to be used on the soil, so applying an organic fertilizer to the plant type you want to grow is best.

You should apply fertilizer at least once a month and water your plants well before applying fertilizer.

Add Some Structures

If you want to charm and functionality to your terrace garden, consider adding a bench or table. The best way to achieve this effect is by using the right materials. For example, if you want wood, choose oak. If you want metal or plastic, go with stainless steel, but if it's just about appearance and durability, choose aluminium composite boards.


The most brilliant thing about gardening is that there are literally hundreds of plants and flowers to choose from, so it's easy to find something to spark your interest. Whether you fancy taking on a project that will require all your attention or something a little more low-maintenance, there's no limit to what you can achieve in terms of decorating your patio or balcony, even if you don't have the most spacious of terraces.

And we hope that this article helped you to find the perfect plants, flowers and trees for your terrace garden. All you need now is a little patience and hard work, and you'll be on your way to creating a beautiful space.

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